What is the Document Valuation Table?

The Documentary Valuation Tables are the product of the analysis and organization of an accumulated collection of documents in order to establish an order for their conservation and elimination. It is a tool that allows classifying documents according to their importance, usefulness and need for conservation, so that documents can be evaluated and decide which ones should remain and which ones should be eliminated.

It also presents a list of cases or document series to which the time of permanence is assigned, as well as their final disposition; they are elaborated to intervene in the accumulated funds of public and private entities. This tool makes it possible to implement a document management policy that contributes to efficient document management.
Similarly, it should be taken into account that the regulations require the use of tools and programs to ensure transparency in the management process. This is why the document appraisal tables give way to analysis and organization, which carry out an objective review of the documents, in order to determine their destination in the archival process.

They serve as a support to recover the institutional memory of a company, since as an archival element, their effectiveness is to guarantee the analysis and categorization of the accumulated fund; the compilation of this information allows to identify how the documentation originated in each period, and to expose the changes in the production in a clear and simple way at the moment of the end of its useful life cycle.
The document valuation table is a useful tool for organizing and maintaining the order of a company's documents, since it allows the definition of a document management policy that contributes to the efficiency of document management.

Its use allows:
  • Stipulate times
  • Guide the archive area in the handling of documents.
  • Guarantee the right to information
  • Encourage the selection of documents
  • Analyze the proper preservation of archives

Companies should make it a priority to improve their archival processes, starting with the development of a document management program that includes a document appraisal table. This is because this tool allows the evaluation of documents, determining which should be kept and which should be eliminated, in order to comply with current regulations and improve the efficiency of document management.

One of the main objectives of this tool is the classification and debugging of documents, to be stored properly, whether physical or electronic documents, generating a security fence on them, giving access to information accurately and in real time, generating an increase in productivity and faster response times in the various processes of the company.

Similarly, within the most important points are:
Primary Values: These allow you to analyze the documents based on their bodies of origin. It helps to get a glimpse of the usefulness of the information and support to legal issues or financial record, the bodies are taken into account are:
  • Administrative
  • Juridical
  • Legal
  • Tax
  • Accounting
Values Side: These values are based on the reconstruction of the administrative activity of the historical record of the document, allow you to specify the character.
  • Of evidence
  • Historic
  • Informative

To serve:

  • To provide an effective and efficient service in the management of documents.
  • To ensure the selection and conservation of documents that are of a permanent nature.
  • To facilitate the handling of the information.
  • To streamline administrative processes.
Taking these and other clear points about the documentary record of the company, is achieved to determine the final disposition of the information, in order to raise the centres of relevant information on the exercise of the company.

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