Crece con tu presencia en Internet

Digital Marketing Strategies


We take care of creating your website where we reflect your identity as a brand and company, in addition to designing the site in a manner which is attractive to the public.

Marketing Digital Crece con tu presencia en internet



Marketing Digital Crece con tu presencia en internet


We set up the design, and the payment platform so that on their website to make purchases of products. The installation of the cart makes it part of the configuration to make the process easier for the client.

We use one of the best platforms to build your online store:

What are the benefits of use Woocomerce?

Logo Woocommerce

This is one of the e-commerce platforms most used worldwide. It Integrates seamlessly with WordPress, this works with the major walkways of payments worldwide and currently supports more than 30% of e-commerce sites in the world.

Linea verde


Linea verde

Standardized modules
that allow you to economize
in the web site development

Linea verde

You can store
thousands of products.

Linea verde

APIS are available
for integration.

Linea verde

It is a platform
used and tested
at the global level.

Branding Management

Creation or brand redesign

The brand is one of the most valuable assets of the companies today. Therefore, a powerful image and sound generates empathy, positioning and success of companies.


At CCO we make the creation from scratch of your brand or trademark, from the brand architecture, naming, logo, line, graphic, and manual of the corporate image for your applications, until the launch strategy and the previous study with target audiences, in a way that generates an emotional connection with their customers and partners.

Brand redesign

If the company already has a brand image that you want to renew and projecting to the future, we analyze and study through focus groups and other methodologies, the best way and changes to generate a brand redesign. Additional accompany the relaunch of the brand, so that the change go hand in hand with a strategy
complete and directed towards the recognition, association, and
the remembrance of old and new customers .

Creation of advertising campaigns

At CCO we develop: media strategies, and campaigns
disruptive and graphic pieces powerful, that generate not only
brand positioning but also sales, whether they are directed to the interior of the organizations as to the outside of the same.

Other solutions Trademark:

Marketing tools

icono Identifica tu segmento

Identify your segment and positioning your company attracting potential customers.

Icono interacción

Communicate, interact and creates relationships with your customers.

Icono oportunidades

Business opportunities and traffic for your communications..

Icono comunicación

Mass communication but directly and privately with your customers for loyalty or to sell.