What is Process Automation?

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It is the operationalization of a process that was previously executed manually, through the implementation of new technologies to optimize efficiency. This includes the automation of the creation, management and execution of tasks, in such a way that process costs are reduced, as well as the response time and the number of errors. This is achieved through the creation of digital workflows, and work tools such as bots, natural language processing, machine learning, etc. are used to simplify and streamline processes.
To facilitate understanding, we will transfer the automation of processes to our daily routine. For example, if we used to have to get up early to prepare breakfast, now with an automatic coffee maker we can program it to prepare our coffee at the desired time. This is a simple way to apply process automation.
We use technology to our advantage several times, saving time and effort: using a smart application, process automation could be compared to something similar, but applied to business reality.
The main objective of process automation is to improve workflow progress in an organization by automating tasks and workflows through the creation of digital processes, allowing us to speed up processes, reduce errors and repetitive tasks, as well as save time and resources.
It is possible to reduce costs, time, waste, increase productivity, minimize failures and control, in real time, all business processes. It is also possible to replace manual activities with automated ones or use software and systems to support different activities.
In summary, Process Automation is a technique to improve the efficiency and productivity of a business by implementing technologies that automate processes, saving time and resources.
Today, automation is a tool that helps marketers do their jobs more efficiently. This tool offers marketing automation solutions that allow marketers to better manage content, campaigns and strategies.
Benefits of process automation:
1. Save time: Automating business processes saves your employees' time to complete minor or routine tasks. For example, entering contacts into a database or searching for information on every customer who calls the hotline.
2. Reduce human error: It is common that, when speaking, people can confuse words, even when giving a phone number, they can mix up the digits and give the wrong information. With process automation you do not have to worry about these human errors, you can process all your documentation, transfer data and collect signatures immediately.
3. It makes employees happy: If you ask some of your company's employees which are the tasks they hate doing the most, they will surely mention those manual or routine tasks that take them more time than they would like, people do not like routine jobs no matter how necessary they are.
4. Streamline information: Automating processes streamlines all your data and tasks. For example: by using a software of this kind you can have access to a documented and comprehensive process and your team can know the steps to follow for a specific project.
5. Improve customer satisfaction: When you enjoy automated processes, your marketing companies are more successful and respond to your customers' needs faster and more agile.
6. Promotes compliance: Many processes of a marketing campaign must be integral and compatible with the rules and laws of information, ie, your emails must follow the rules and this ensures that systems verify this compliance, so you only have to run the information once.
7. Improved security: By automating processes, all information, data and documents are stored in one place, and that place is secure, which is an effective way to detect and prevent fraud, in addition to the data are under a great protection.
That is to say, the tasks that are the subject of automation tend to be activities manual, repetitive, and easy to make. So those who consider themselves dynamic, or need some kind of intervention analytical overly advanced will not be able to automate.

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